This guide explains how to apply for different types of internships and jobs in the mobile app.

First, make sure you remember to choose your own region (= school). Selection the right region will make you see the places specifically published for you. You can check and change your region from the ”More” menu.

1. All locations can be conveniently found in the home menu of the mobile application. Click ”Browse jobs.”

You can also browse places through the ”peephole” by swiping left and right.

2. Your Tiitus service will show you the most suitable places with the help of artificial intelligence.

Scroll down the menu to see more places of your interest!

You can also save the place as a favorite or ”thumb down” to make the place disappear. Saved favorites can be found later in the menu Jobs -> Favorites.

Artificial intelligence takes into account all the information you have entered in your profile. Now is a good time to check that you have filled in all the necessary information (link to guide)!

3. If you can’t find a suitable place with artificial intelligence, you can search places manually. Filtering can be done for example for the place / province, the nature of the job or a specific field.

You can also choose to show only places published in your Tiitus service or places in TE services.

You can also take advantage of the text search box if you know what place you are looking for!

4. Great, suitable place was found!

You can immediately apply for a job by clickingApply for job”.

You can also save it as a favorite or share the information of the place.

If the employer has wanted you to apply for a place on their system, click ”Go to the application page”. In this case, you are directed to a system defined by the employer.

5. Oops, you could have one of the following info screens!

– If you received a notification from TiitusBot about missing information, click ”Go to profile” and visit the sections marked with an exclamation mark.

– If you received a notification to confirm your email address, click ”Resubmit”. (no picture below)

6. Great, now we can send your application!

Include your salary wishes, as well as a short cover text that the employer will read.

Once you have entered the information, click ”Send” which will submit your job application.

7. Now the job application has been submitted successfully!

You can track the progress of your job application either directly from the applied position you are applying for or by going to ”Jobs” in the menu.

8. Your employer has automatically been notified that you have applied for that position.

You don’t have to worry about where your job application is going, because every time your employer uses the service you get an automatic notification on your phone!

9. An employer can start an instant messaging conversation with you! You will also receive an automatic notification on your phone.

Click ”Discuss” and reply to the message sent by the employer.

10. You will also automatically be informed of the result of the job process!

in Instructions – Students
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