Our services for educational institutions

We want to challenge the current way of doing

Our products and services

Tiitus Students

Tiitus Students is a recruiting and career system for educational institutions and schools. The system is meant for organising and coordinating connections to working life for students and schools. The service is delivered as branded for the school’s own look and feel and graphical guidelines. With the service, the school will get their own career site where employers can publish available jobs and training jobs. The school can utilise the system to follow analytics and track the development of connections to working life

Tiitus project market

The project market is a place where working life projects meet the courses and students of educational establishments. Businesses can publish various challenges in the project market for students to take up. The school can, in turn, suggest different kinds of projects for companies. For instance, a marketing course can offer its expertise and try to find challenges in the real world of business for a working life -oriented course.

The project market is also a channel for finding new partners in the professional field. The project market is nationwide and public, which means that it is also possible to find matching companies outside the immediate area.

Work and studies go hand in hand

Students should take their first steps in professional life already during their studies. The version of Tiitus tailored for schools makes it easy to look for training positions and diploma work placements, and enables creating a portfolio type of job seeker profile for those still continuing their studies. Tiitus Students is a service that makes it easier for students and employers to connect. The aim of the service is to bring schools closer to local businesses and to act as an electronic channel for advertising training jobs.

The fast and easy way

Students will create a portfolio type of job seeker profile while still in school, something that they can update all through their studies. You can add skills or work samples from study projects to the portfolio.

Employers in the area can publish available jobs and training jobs targeted to the school’s students. Students can learn about the jobs and assignments, and send their profiles to companies for easy viewing. Students can also utilise the same profile in, for example, searching for summer jobs.

The following educational institutions are already using our services

Doesn’t your educational institution already use Tiitus Students? Contact us and we will come to you to show how our service works.